Mauro António Martins è un giovane musicista portoghese, nato in Svizzera nel 1995, per il quale la musica, dall’età di 10 anni, è stata una motivazione di vita e fonte di felicità e appagamento. Ha avuto il suo primo contatto con la musica in una Banda Filarmonica tra le più importanti del Portogallo. A 15 anni, è entrato in EPABI – Professional Arts School di Covilhã, dove ha completato il Corso base e successivamente il Corso professionale di fiati e percussioni, nella classe di euphonium, dove ha studiato coi docenti Machado, Antão e Oliveira. La sua carriera è cresciuta grazie alla costanza nel lavoro quotidiano e metodico e al conseguente successo accademico. Nelle prove svolte, di livello II e livello IV, le prestazioni di Mauro hanno avuto la massima classificazione. Nel 2016, è ammesso all’ESMAE School of Music di Porto, nella classe di S.Carolino e R. Antão, dove ha completato il diploma di laurea con il massimo dei voti. Mauro ha ottenuto importanti primi premi, al Concorso Internazionale “Terras De La Salette”, cat. Junior e Senior, al Concorso Filarmonia D’Ouro e al Concours International de Saxhorn, Euphonium e Tuba de Tours. Nella sua carriera sono evidenti le influenza di S. Carolino, T. Rüedi, D. Thurmann, R.Szentpali, A. Caillet e G. Pokorny.
Mauro António Martins is a young portuguese musician, born in Switzerland in 1995, for whom music, since the age of 10, has been a motivation that has become a way of life that gives happiness and fulfillment. He had his first contact and passion for music in a Philharmonic Band like most of the wind instrument players in Portugal. At the age of 15, convinced of his professional options, he joined EPABI – Professional Arts of School of Covilhã, Portugal, where he completed the Basic Instrument Course (2010-2013) and later the Professional Winds and Percussion Instrumental Course (2013-2016), in the euphonium class, having worked with teachers like Nuno Machado, Ricardo Antão and Luís Oliveira among others. His career at school was marked by two factors: persistence in his daily work, methodical, organized and focused, and his academic success as a consequence of the first. In the two tests of professional aptitude carried out, of level II (9th grade) and level IV (12º grade), the performance of Mauro achieved the maximum classification of the evaluation system. In 2016, he is admitted to ESMAE – School of Music and Performing Arts (Porto, Portugal), in the class of Professor Sérgio Carolino and Ricardo Antão, in 2019 finalized his bachelor with maximum classification of 20 values in the final recital. As a way of challenging and self-overcoming, in an incessant search for learning, Mauro has participated in some international competitions, in which he emphasizes the 1st Prize in the international contest of winds “Terras De La Salette” (Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal), categories Junior (2014) and Senior (2015) 1st prize in the Filarmonia D’Ouro competition with the EPABI wind orchestra (2017) and 1st prize in the Concours International de Saxhorn, Euphonium and Tuba de Tours. (2019) In his career highlights the influence of Sérgio Carolino, Thomas Rüedi, Demondare Thurmann, Roland Szentpali, Anthony Caillet and Gene Pokorny.